Life Burnout: Anxiety

You’re feeling burned out from all of the responsibility that you are holding. 

Responsibility for yourself and others around you. 

No wonder you have been fantasizing so much about just taking a vacation. 

An extended stay somewhere.

You are struggling to get work in on time

You’re feeling behind when you think about all of the obligations that you have. 

No wonder you just want to leave everything behind.

You need real tools to support yourself right now and therapy can help.

It might seem like things will be different if you just have time to: 

  • meditate
  • clean up
  • do some clean eating
  •  live better
  • sleep more

When you are feeling low, it makes sense that you would think of what you can do to solve the problem.

But right now nothing that you are doing is helping and you can’t do it alone.

Before you make a decision, Talk to a Professional: 

Hi, my name is Sumi. If you are like most of the clients I work with, you are most likely exceptional at:

  • making lists
  • taking responsibility
  • listening to podcasts and then figuring out how to do things better.

You are probably feeling exhausted from doing this alone

I can help provide you with tools and strategies that can actually help you.

Instead of asking yourself to do more, our work together can  help you  do less while actually feeling more grounded and confident about yourself.

Talking it Out Can Mean:

Getting clear on what you want

Having more capacity for things you enjoy

More comfortable being yourself